• Catholic: everything we teach is in line with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  A Catholic worldview is integrated in all subjects, not just a religion class.  Students are set on their path to sainthood! 
  • Classical: across all grade-levels, students read, discuss, and write about great classic texts such as Peter Rabbit, Watership Down, and The Iliad.  Instruction is centered on the Trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, pushing students to a deeper level of thinking.  Socratic seminars and other methods of classical teaching foster a greater appreciation, reverence, and love for learning. 
  • Liberal Arts: aside from eventual sainthood, our ultimate goal is to free (Latin: liber) our students to live a life in pursuit of all that is True, Good, and Beautiful.  In knowing and loving the Truth, our students will be free to resist the snares of our culture and pursue the vocation God intended for them from the beginning of time. 

Classical education is authentic Catholic education – it is the educational model used by the Catholic Church for nearly 2,000 years! 

Jesus Christ is the center of everything— from participation in the liturgy of the Catholic Church to the heart of the curriculum in every subject. 

We develop the skills of grammar, logic, and rhetoric to build a strong foundation for reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking.  

The study of Latin strengthens the mastery of English grammar, fosters logical thinking, and provides the building blocks for learning other classical languages. 

We develop a life-long love of learning as well as experience a deep sense of wonder and awe in God’s presence and in the action of his divine grace through all time and space. 

Due to a stronger ability to think and reason critically, students in Classical schools outperform their peers on standardized tests and school entrance exams; more importantly, they are equipped to discern their earthly career and their personal vocation (marriage, religious life, or priesthood)! 

To learn more about Catholic Classical Liberal Arts education, please click here